Better than Perfect

A lesson in practicing what I preach

Can I be honest for a second?  I know I talk a lot about the importance of moms getting in the photos with their kids.  And how getting your home ready for an in-home session doesn’t have to be overwhelming.  And how important it is to document this chapter of your family’s story.

But you know what?

It’s really hard for me to practice what I preach sometimes.

I have an amazing photographer bestie here in Austin, and she and I had been throwing around the idea of trading in-home motherhood sessions since late last year.  And because life happens, and kids get sick, and calenders get jam-packed, we kept pushing them off and pushing them off.  And when my date approached, I considered trying to reschedule again because…

…my house wasn’t as clutter-free as I wanted it to be.

…I hadn’t gotten rid of those ten pounds I’d wanted to lose.

…I just wasn’t as put together and as confident as I wanted to feel.

But I had to call upon a mantra that I’ve been focusing a lot on this year:

Done is better than perfect.

And you know what I realized? Not only is done better than perfect, REAL is SO much better than perfect. 

I want to look back on these photos and remember how my daughter was exactly at this age.  Where she wants to wear her “fancy Elsa shoes” everywhere and dance in her room full of mismatched furniture and her artwork taped on the wall. How we’re reading through the Harry Potter series and it’s one of my favorite parts of the day.  How the front of our fridge is messy and covered in school art and letter magnets and photos of our adventures together. 

I won’t remember how cluttered my house felt or how I didn’t feel my absolute best.  I’ll remember spinning in her room as we belted out “Let it Go” at the top of our lungs and making chocolate chip cookies together and the weight of her little body pressing into mine.  

Y’all.  I literally tear up thinking about these photos, because they’re real and I’m in them and I want to remember these moments and this stage for the rest of my life!

So, I want to encourage you today to not only do the thing you’ve been putting off or pushing back or rescheduling because you want it to be “perfect.”  

Your life is perfect.  Just the way it is.

Are you interested in your own in-home motherhood session?  Let’s talk!

mother and daughter reading book during austin motherhood in home session

Thank you to the incredible Cheyenne Morris Photography for making this experience a reality!


A Newborn Photographer’s Confession: Why I’m Skipping DIY Photos This Time


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